
PRISA Congratulates Solly Moeng for his appointment to the World Communication Forum Association Board


PRISA Congratulates Solly Moeng for his appointment to the World Communication Forum Association Board

The Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) congratulates Mr. Solly Moeng, PRISA’s past president, convener of the AFRICA Brand Summit and Managing Director and Senior Consultant at Don Valley Reputation Managers for his new appointment.

Mr. Solly Moeng has been elected to serve a further three years in the recently expanded “ten members” global executives of the World Communication Forum Association (WCFA). The newly elected board members are meant to increase the WCFA footprint around the world.

The global executive board is tasked with leading the association through the next exciting phase of its global and programmatic expansion as most world economies begin to emerge from various levels of Covid-19 Lockdowns.


WCFA is led by enthusiastic, well-known international Public Relations  expert and author, Maxim Behar (Bulgaria), who takes on a fresh 3-year mandate as president, the new board boasts three vice-presidents: Solly Moeng (South Africa), Ganesh Chandrasekaran (India), and Jon-Hans Coetzer (Portugal).

Newly accepted board members are Nurul Ashiqin Shamsuri (Malaysia), Clāra Ly-Le (Vietnam), Mina Nazari (Iran), Professor Jacqueline Strayer (USA), Saurabh Uboweja (India) and Cesare Valli (Italy). Mumbai, India, based Yogesh Joshi will act as an external controller on key executive board matters.

In his response to the appointment Mr. Moeng said “I am delighted to have been re-elected to serve a further three-year term on this august professional communication body as one of three vice-presidents.”

“Leadership and succession is extremely important, especially in professional bodies. This helps maximize efficiency to achieve broader organizational goals.” Says Victor Sibeko, PRISA CEO.

“Mr. Moeng’s appointment comes at the right time where PRISA is strongly advocating for succession which develops new leaders who bring new expertise and can enhance existing leadership as we replace leaders when they retire or leave an organization.” Added Sibeko.