
Getting AI ready: Global AI Literacy in Public Relations Profession Survey Launched Assessing the level of knowledge and competency in data and artificial intelligence within the global public relations profession


Getting AI ready: Global AI Literacy in Public Relations Profession Survey Launched Assessing the level of knowledge and competency in data and artificial intelligence within the global public relations profession


To assess the level of knowledge and competency in data and artificial intelligence within the global public relations profession, the Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations Panel (AIinPR) of the Chartered Institute for Public Relations, is undertaking large-scale global research.

The global AI Literacy in Public Relations Survey has been fielded to assess the AI understanding and readiness of PR practitioners.

The international AIinPR panel, in an exclusive partnership with Page, the world’s leading professional association for senior public relations and corporate communications executives and educators, encourages all practitioners who work in public relations across the world, at all levels, to complete this quick five-minute survey.

Survey responses will be assessed by leading AIinPR academic researchers and those working on AI in PR, and will enable us to report back to the industry where the profession is with data and AI knowledge, understanding and upskilling.

Responses will also inform the next steps of our globally leading work supporting PR professionals to upgrade their knowledge and performance in big data and AI so that they can continue to provide governance and operational advice to senior leaders and Boards.

All survey responses will remain anonymous but PR practitioners completing the survey can opt to add their name and contact details if they would like to help with an additional short phone interview. The research team are eager to explore the topic in detail. Responses to the telephone interviews will also remain anonymous.

AIinPR Chair Kerry Sheehan said: “Data and AI literacy is an essential skill to develop for public relations practitioners who want to remain relevant.

“The coming months and next year will be crucial for us with AI in our own roles and in our advisory roles.

“The AIinPR Panel knows there is an urgent requirement for AI-aware and public relations practitioners upskilled into real data and AI. Public relations practitioners should be at the forefront of AI innovation in our own roles and, importantly, holding organisations, businesses and brands to account on ensuring only ethical AI4Good is built and deployed, and trust is maintained in our roles as reputation guardians and solutions-led leaders. We have a vital role to play here.”

Eliot Mizrachi, Page VP for Communications and Content, said: “As PR adopts cutting-edge AI and machine learning, there will be profound opportunities to more deeply understand of stakeholders and deliver more personalized content and experiences. At the same time, we must be cognizant of its implications, from algorithmic bias to the need to evolve how professionals work with these new technologies.

“Now is the time to assess what we know, what we don’t, and develop smart approaches. Page is delighted to support this research as a first step to ensuring CCOs and other senior communications leaders – many of whom will be the deciders on how these capabilities are deployed – have the information they need.”

Professor Anne Gregory, AIinPR lead academic, said: “Rarely is there as much agreement about the importance of an emerging technology as exists today about artificial intelligence.

“We have seen a growing number of governments, NGOs and businesses across the globe adopting data and AI technologies in their business processes, activities and interactions. It is now embedded into almost every commercial and social transaction.

“Understanding AI is vital for the PR profession both in our own work practices and as advisers to senior leaders. With the power for good and harm that big data and AI offers, someone has to the perform the ethical guardian role. That is down to us”

Complete the AI Literacy survey here:

With thanks to AIinPR Panel members:
• Professor Anne Gregory Hon. FCIPR – Huddersfield University, UK
• Professor Alexander Buhmann, Associate Professor – Corporate Communication at BI Norwegian Business School and Director of the Nordic Alliance for Communication and Management, Norway
• Andrew Smith – Escherman, UK
• Emma Thwaites – Allegory Agency, UK
• Dr Swati Virmani – De Montfort University, UK
• Mark Burey MCIPR – The Alan Turing Institute, UK
• Maria Loupa MCIPR – Waters Agency, UK
• Martin Waxman, Martin Waxman Communications – Canada
• Kerry Sheehan, UK Government Communication Service – UK

About the Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Founded in 1948, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) is the world’s only Royal Chartered professional body for public relations practitioners with nearly 10,000 members.
The CIPR advances professionalism in public relations by making its members accountable to their employers and the public through a code of conduct and searchable public register, setting standards through training, qualifications, awards and the production of best practice and skills guidance, facilitating Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and awarding Chartered Public Relations Practitioner status (Chart.PR).

About the AIinPR Panel
The Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations Panel was set up in 2018 to look at the opportunities and risks AI poses to the PR industry and encourage practitioners to upskill into data, automation and AI to remain relevant.
The #AIinPR panel has established an international reputation as a centre of excellence for promoting knowledge and understanding of AI within public relations, for its advisory role to businesses, organisations and brands, and for its focus on supporting practitioners to upskill into the areas of data, automation and artificial intelligence. More information: CIPR Artificial Intelligence in PR panel

About the Page Society
Page is the world’s leading professional association for senior public relations and corporate communications executives and educators. Our members participate in Page to become stronger leaders, learn both with and from their peers around the world, develop their teams and enrich and strengthen the profession.
Page membership consists of chief communications officers (CCOs) of global Fortune-ranked corporations and leading non-profits, the CEOs of the world’s foremost public relations agencies, and distinguished academics from top business and communications schools. Page has strict membership criteria to ensure it remains an exclusive assembly of the very best and brightest of the profession.
Arthur W. Page Society