
PRISA CEO sends a clarion call to youth on Gender Based Violence during Future Leaders Youth Month Conference 2020 ONLINE


PRISA CEO sends a clarion call to youth on Gender Based Violence during Future Leaders Youth Month Conference 2020 ONLINE

Youth month coincide with Fathers’ Month, it is with a heavy heart that we are faced with an increasing Gender Based Violence (GBV) against women and children. As a man, husband, father, leader and a professional I condemn these acts in the strongest terms.

Opening the Future Leaders Youth Conference 2020 ONLINE, Victor Sibeko – Chairperson and advisory as well as PRISA CEO said “The very fathers who are supposed to Love and Protect women and children are implicated in the abuse and brutal killing of women and innocent children.”

“It is very sad that women and children are at the eye of the storm of either a relationships gone wrong, conflict and repression, their bodies are the focus of social and cultural battles and continue to be the object of aggression and contempt by “some” irresponsible, insensitive, selfish men out there.” Said a distraught Sibeko.

As a responsible man I am reminded of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Summit held early last year wherein President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for us in the Public Relations and Communication Management to assist play an active role in communication around GBV related issues.

I therefore draw from this initiative to step up and call on all youth especially the boy child and all responsible men to assist curb the scourge of violent act in all forms. Most importantly denounce this conduct and never get anywhere closer such behavior.

Women and children have the right to live a life free of fear. We urge all boy children and men to actively participate in the plans to prevent violence and assist take action against perpetrators.

“We believe that youth organisations like Future Leaders must no longer be confined to small scale programmes, but be much more vigilant with broader strategies on youth development beyond South Africa.

My recent appointment to serve in African Public Relations Association (APRA) Advisory necessitates facilitation of building youth networks across the African continent and Africans in Diaspora in pursuit of ONE AFRICA. ”Says Sibeko

In closure, Sibeko said “I appeal to the youth to “not see themselves as a problem.” On the contrary, it is the youth who have to solve their problems. They should see themselves as faced with the task of Building a Nation, a healthy nation.”

“I also appeal to the youth to integrate itself with strategic and progressive organisations for its development, draw sustenance from that, expand their intellectual horizon.” Concluded Sibeko.