
PRISA President New Year Message


PRISA President New Year Message

PRISA President Dalien Rene Benecke obtains PhD in Public Relations Activism
PRISA President Dr. Dalien Rene Benecke
Johannesburg: Monday, 13 January 2020 : Season’s Greetings to all Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) Members and Strategic Partners.

A new year brings new hope, excitement of what is to come and fresh expectations for what we long to achieve.

Reflecting on the many highlights of 2019, both as a country and as PRISA we indeed have much to celebrate and be grateful for.

These achievements also serve as a reminder that in spite of difficulty     (and many challenges) we can succeed with determination, team effort   and good leadership.

May 2020 be the year in which we demonstrate the power of Public  Relations and Communication Management to influence society for the benefit of all and may we have the courage as professionals to stand    strong in serving our organisation, industry and country. 

Kindest of regards
Dr. Dalien René Benecke
(PRISA President & Board Chairperson)